奧地利伯樂BOHLER FOX DCMS Kb焊條|包郵
BÖHLER FOX DCMS Kb Stick electrode
Classifications low-alloy creep resistant
EN ISO 3580-A: AWS A5.5:
E CrMo1 B 4 2 H5 E8018-B2H4R
Characteristics and field of use
Basic coated Stick electrode, core wire alloyed, for high quality welded seams in boiler and pipe
steels, similar steel qualities, similar alloy quenched and tempered steels, untreated case hardening
and nitriding steels. Preferred for 13CrMo4-5. Approved for long-term use in operating temperature
ranges up to +570°C. Suitable for step cooling applications (Bruscato 15 ppm). High toughness and
crack resistance, weld bl can be quenched and tempered. Very low hydrogen content (under
AWS conditions HD ≤ 4 ml/100g). Deb efficiency about 115 %. Preheating, interpass temperature
and subsequent Heat Treatment according to the requirements of the base material in use (for
13CrMo4-5 at 200-250°C, temper after welding at 660-700°C, at least ½ h / furnace down to 300°C
/ air).
Base materials
same alloy creep resistant steels and cast steel, case-hardening and nitriding steels with comparable
comb, heat treatable steels with comparable comb, steels resistant to caustic cracking
1.7335 13CrMo4-5, 1.7262 15CrMo5, 1.7728 16CrMoV4, 1.7218 25CrMo4, 1.7225 42CrMo4, 1.7258
24CrMo5, 1.7354 G22CrMo5-4, 1.7357 G17CrMo5-5 ASTM A 182 Gr. F12; A 193 Gr. B7; A 213
Gr. T12; A 217 Gr. WC6; A 234 Gr. WP11; A335 Gr. P11, P12; A 336 Gr. F11, F12; A 426 Gr. CP12
Typical analysis of all-weld bl (Wt-%)
C Si Mn Cr Mo P As Sb Sn
0.08 0.25 0.8 1.1 0.5 <=0.010 <=0.005 <=0.005 <=0.005
Mechanical properties of all-weld bl
Impact values
MPa MPa % +40 °C:
t* 480 580 23 160
* 680 °C/2h / furnace down to 300 °C / air
Operating data
Polarity = +
Dimensions (mm) Amperage A Dimensions (mm) Amperage A
2.5 x 250/350 80-110 4.0 x 350/450 130-180
3.2 x 350 100-140 5.0 x 450 180-220
Approvals and certificates
TüV (0728.), DB (10.014.32), ABS (E 8018-B2), DNV (NV 1Cr 0.5Mo), GL (13 CrMo 44), LTSS,
SEPROZ, CE, NAKS (Ø3.2 mm; Ø4.0 mm)
Similar alloy filler bls
Stick electrode: FOX DCMS Ti TIG rod: DCMS-IG
Solid wire electrode: DCMS-IG Flux cored wire: DCMS Ti-FD
Gas welding rod: DCMS Wire/flux
EMS 2 CrMo with BB 24,
BB 24 SC, BB 418 TT