奧地利伯樂BOHLER FOX CM 9 Kb焊條|保證質量
BÖHLER FOX CM 9 Kb Stick electrode
Classifications high-alloyed
EN ISO 3580-A: AWS A5.5:
E CrMo9 B 4 2 H5 E8018-B8
Characteristics and field of use
Basic coated Stick electrode, core wire alloyed, for creep resistant and high pressure hydrogen
resistant boiler and pipe steels, particularly in the petrochemical industry. Preferred for X11CrMo9-1
(P9). Approved for long-term use in an operating temperature range of up to +600°C. Weld bl
can be quenched and tempered, deb efficiency about 115%.
Base materials
same type as highly creep resistant steels 1.7386 X11CrMo9-1, 1.7388 X7CrMo9-1 ASTM A 182
Gr. F9; A 213 Gr. T9; A 217 Gr. C12; A 234 Gr. WP9; A 335 Gr. P9; A 336 Gr. F9; A 369 Gr. FB9; A
387 Gr. 9 and 9CR; A 426 Gr. CP9; A 989 Gr. K90941
Typical analysis of all-weld bl (Wt-%)
C Si Mn Cr Mo
0.08 0.25 0.65 9.0 1.0
Mechanical properties of all-weld bl
Impact values
MPa MPa % +20°C:
t* 610 730 20 70
t* tempered, 760 °C / 1 h / furnace down to 300 °C / air
Operating data
Polarity = +
Dimensions (mm) Amperage A
2.5 x 250 70-90
3.2 x 350 100-130
4.0 x 350 130-160
Approvals and certificates
TüV (2183.), SEPROZ, CE
Similar alloy filler bls
TIG rod: CM 9-IG