
數(shù)量(件) 面議
  • 最小起訂: 1件
  • 發(fā)貨地址: 廣東 惠州市
  • 發(fā)布日期:2021-06-01
  • 訪問量:757


實名認證 企業(yè)認證
  • 聯(lián)系人:陶小姐
  • 手機:13913142465
  • 電話:0512-86881628
  • 營業(yè)執(zhí)照:已審核 營業(yè)執(zhí)照
  • 經(jīng)營模式: 貿易型-
  • 所在地區(qū):廣東 惠州市
  • 家家通積分:500分




UL 94 是應用最廣泛的塑料材料阻燃性能評價標準,共有 12 種等級:HB、V-0、V-1、V-2、5VA、5VB、VTM-0、VTM-1、VTM-2、HBF、HF-1、HF-2。

UL 94 用來評價材料在被點燃后火焰熄滅的能力。根據(jù)燃燒速度、燃燒時間、抗滴落能力以及滴落物是否燃燒等有多種評判方法。每種被測材料根據(jù)顏色或厚度都可以得到許多值。當選定某個產(chǎn)品的材料時,其 UL 等級應滿足塑料零件壁部分的厚度要求。UL 等級必須與厚度值一起報告。

1 Scope

1.1 These requirements cover tests for flammability of polymeric materials used for parts in devices and appliances. They are intended to serve as a preliminary indication of their acceptability with respect to flammability for a particular application.

1.2 The bs described in this Standard involve standard size specimens and are intended to be used solely to measure and describe the flammability properties of materials, used in devices and appliances, in response to a small open flame or radiant heat source under controlled laboratory conditions.

1.3 The tests in the Standard for Tests for Flammability of Small Polymeric Component Materials should be used to buate small components which contain materials that can not be fabricated into standardized specimens in the minimum use thickness and subjected to applicable preselection tests in UL 94. Test procedures in UL 1694 are applicable to small components with an overall volume of less than 2500 mm3 (0.15 in3). UL 1694 is generally not applicable to small components with an overall volume greater than 2500 mm3 (0.15 in3).

1.4 The final acceptance of the material is dependent upon its use in complete equipment that conbs with the standards applicable to such equipment. The flammability classification required of a material is dependent upon the equipment or device involved and the particular use of the material. The perbance level of a material determined by these bs shall not be assumed to correlate with its perbance in end-use application. The actual response to heat and flame of materials depends upon the size and bbbb, and also on the end-use of the product using the material. Assessment of other important characteristics in the end-use application includes, but is not limited to, factors such as ease of ignition, burning rate, flame spread, fuel contribution, intensity of burning, and products of combustion.

1.5 If found to be appropriate, the requirements are applied to other nonbllic materials.

1.6 These tests, with the exception of the Radiant Panel Test in Section 10, are not applicable to the buation of parts where the thickness exceeds 13.0 mm or where the surface area exceeds 1 m2. These requirements do not cover polymeric materials when used for building construction, finishing, or contents such as wall and floor coverings, furnishings, decorative bs and so forth. In addition, the fire resistance (in terms of an hoby rating), flame spread, smoke characterization, and heat release rate is not buated. Other fire tests exist and shall be used to buate the flammability of materials in the intended end-use-product configuration.




電子線UL758認證,燈具UL認證,電線電纜UL認證,QMMY2 UL746D注塑件認證,UL969 PGDQ2標簽認證,連接器UL認證,燈飾CCC認證,線路板組裝VZQC2認證,UL969 PGAA標簽認證,UL588圣誕產(chǎn)品認證,軟線UL62認證代理,PCBA線路板組裝ZPVI2認證,電容UL認證,開關UL認證,網(wǎng)絡線UL444認證,鋰電池、鎳錳電池UL認證,水晶頭UL1863認證,導電泡棉UL認證,光伏電纜UL認證,UL817插頭認證,ECBT2 UL1997連接器認證,熱縮套管UL認證,功率線UL13認證,UL507直流交流風扇認證,UL最新RSCS環(huán)保認證,阻燃套管UL認證,火災報警線UL1424認證,UL2089車載充電器認證,UL1059端子臺認證,塑膠電鍍處理UL認證,光纖UL1651認證,UL355卷線器認證,UL486接線端子認證,UL486接線端子認證 塑膠料QMFZ2認證,UL764線束認證,UL310快接端子認證,UL1446絕緣系統(tǒng)認證,開關VDE認證,各國電線電纜認證,各國插頭認證
詳詢Sunny陶13913142465 QQ1822971259

相對熱指數(shù) (Relative Thermal Index, 以下簡稱RTI) UL高性能塑料材料認證的重要參數(shù)之一。RTI的評估,主要依據(jù)UL 746B標準(Polymeric Materials – Long Term Property Evaluations) 的長期老化測試方案 (Long Term Thermal Aging program, 以下簡稱LTTA) 來進行測試與分析。


LTTA評估方案的核心原理來自于阿倫尼烏斯方程(Arrhenius Equation),俗稱時溫等效原理。通過在較高的溫度下,進行相對較短時間的實驗。在獲取到材料性能衰退行為的時間-溫度數(shù)據(jù)組合后,根據(jù)阿倫尼烏斯方程進行線性回歸處理,最后綜合評估以獲得材料性能在相對長期使用時能承受的溫度等級。


一般而言,您可以根據(jù)材料及性能,選定合適的溫度進行長時間的老化評估,直至材料衰退完成。即按照固定溫度法 (Fix-Temperature bbbbbb) 進行研究。此方法適合于實驗設備高溫烘箱相對有限的實驗室。并且對于大多數(shù)的材料,隨時間推進,皆能獲得材料性能衰退的數(shù)據(jù),以評估最終RTI結果。也正因為如此,時間將很有可能成為該評估方法的zuida成本占比。而且具體完成時間也無法在研究開始之初作出準確的預估。

實際上,根據(jù)UL 746B標準的描述,依據(jù)相同的原理,還可以從另外一個角度考慮評估方案。

以多個高溫烘箱通常最少6個以上同時進行材料老化試驗,選定合適的時間點獲取不同溫度下的材料性能衰退數(shù)據(jù)。即按照固定時間法 (Fix-Time bbbbbb) 進行研究。此方法適合于設備相對充足的實驗室。顯而易見,該方法能夠在研究開始階段即可規(guī)劃取樣時間點,并能更準確的預計研究完成時間。

在實際測試中, 可考慮先按照固定時間法進行規(guī)劃,視乎材料性能衰退行為,有必要時轉至固定溫度法評估。以期達到時效與風險可控兩方面的優(yōu)點。

  優(yōu)爾檢測(廣東)有限公司-優(yōu)爾檢測華南檢測中心,地址:惠州市博羅縣石灣鎮(zhèn)滘源路滘嚇馮屋草州A棟和C棟,實驗室和辦公用地:4500平米,總投資3000多萬,擁有儀器設備500余套,在物理,化學,可靠性,環(huán)保(RoHS, Reach,CP65等),燃燒等方面擁有豐富的檢測經(jīng)驗和技術實力.依據(jù)全球各國標準對電線電纜及橡塑化工材料在阻燃、耐火、低煙、無鹵、環(huán)保、可靠性、電氣特性方面的要求而建立。在全球各大認證機構(UL、VDE、CCC、IMQ、 TUV-RHEINLAND、TUV-SUD、CSA、BASEC、KEMA、PSE、KC、TLC、ETC、GRL、ANATEL、EAC)和廣大客戶的認可和支持下,我們希望能成為燃燒測試基地,服務于來自全球的終端客戶、電商平臺、布線廠商、線纜及材料企業(yè)! 
(1)網(wǎng)線/光纜/功率線/火災報線/天線:美國UL/加拿大CSA標準: CM/CMR/CMP/FT4/FT6級大型燃燒;
(2)歐洲建筑法規(guī)強制指令CPR EN50399標準成束熱釋放量燃燒,B,C,D,E等級全項測試;
(3)國標GB18380線纜成束燃燒 A, B, C,D級成束燃燒;
(4)英國耐火線纜BS6387和BS8491,GB/T 19666(N,NJ,NS);
(6)橡塑材料UL94/國標GB/T 8815阻燃測試; 
( 7)氧指數(shù)、鹵酸氣體、灼熱絲、漏電起痕、PH值等測試




安規(guī)環(huán)保檢測: 安全、環(huán)保、環(huán)境、燃燒、EMC、RF、RoHS、REACH等項目檢測; 

安規(guī)技能培訓: 產(chǎn)品安全測試、實驗室操作人員培訓、安規(guī)工程師培訓、專業(yè)技能培訓等 

詳詢Sunny 139-1314-2465


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