These cable assemblies have been investigated for their ability to supply voltages and currents encountered during normal operation and battery charging of the powering and powered devices. These cable assemblies may also be required to comply with industry specifications applicable to their particular configuration and use (not covered as part of this certification).
USB Type-CTM cable assemblies — Only the following cable assemblies are eligible to be certified under this program:
USB Type-CTM cable assemblies that have passed the USB-IF Compliance Program, or
USB Type-CTM cable assemblies that are not eligible for USB-IF certification but utilize a USB Type-CTM connector that has passed the USB-IF Compliance Program. (Cable assemblies consisting of a USB Type-CTM connector on one end and a proprietary (non-USB) connector on the other end are not eligible for USB-IF certification.)
The data transmission perbance of these cable assemblies has not been investigated.
One of the following product identities appears on the product:
Charging Cable Assembly
ICT Power Cable Assembly
Certified cable assemblies for bllic connections to communications, audio/video, data and other low-voltage signaling circuits and not specifically investigated for powering or charging applications are covered under Communications-, Audio/Video-, Data- and Other Signaling-circuit Accessories (DUXR).
Certified patch cords utilizing 8-pin modular plugs are covered under Communications Cable Assemblies Verified for Data Perbance in Accordance with National or International Specifications (DVBH).
Certified high-speed cable and assemblies whose transmission characteristics have been determined to be in accordance with national, international or private data transmission perbance specifications are covered under High-speed Audio, Video and Data Cable Verification Program (DVAA).
For additional inbation, see Electrical Equipment for Use in Ordinary Locations (AALZ).
The basic requirements used to investigate products in this category are contained in UL 9990, "Outline of Investigation for Inbation and Communication Technology (ICT) Power Cables."
The Certification Mark of UL on the product or on the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged is the only b provided by UL to identify products manufactured under its Certification and Follow-Up Service. For products that are bulk shipped to OEMs, the products may be bulk labeled with the label applied to the smallest unit container. The Certification Mark for these products includes the UL symbol, the words "CERTIFIED" and "SAFETY," the geographic identifier(s), and a file number. For bulk labeled products, the Certification Mark also includes the number of pieces in the container.
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UL, in perbing its functions in accordance with its bives, does not assume or undertake to discharge any responsibility of the manufacturer or any other party. UL shall not incur any obligation or liability for any loss, expense or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the use, interpretation of, or reliance upon this Guide Inbation.